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Vendor Management

Our goal is to automate every business with less man power and higher efficiency, vendor management CRM is one from the multiple variants of the CRM we have introduced in the market to automate the things, so that the businesses/Institutions ca manage their vendors easily.

Our Vendor Management can
  • Keep record of all the vendor with their category
  • Create bids for any requirement
  • Vendors can submit quotation
  • Cheapest quotation will be shortlisted and sent to the Purchase Manager
  • Vendor can submit their bank details
  • Keep track of all the payments made to the vendor
  • History of the vendor like Goods quality and delivery time
vendor management system
Benefits for Vendor Management
  • Automated Process:

  • Artificial intelligence and automation can boost the process powerfully. Many workflows, such as onboarding, invoicing and P2P, contain key but repetitive elements that are prone to human error and costly delays when performed manually. Automation removes the human element from the equation, also in many cases removes the need for manual checks, for inputs, and for other processes like approval, workflow helping in the completion of the job at a very quick pace.

    Furthermore, the automation of your vendor onboard processing ensures that you can easily monitor vendor performance and compliance over time with complete vendor data profiles for each vendor and service provider from day one.

  • Improved Compliance:

  • The longer the supply chain, the bigger your supplier’s risk of exposure. Even businesses with small supply chains need to monitor and comply, both internally and externally. CRM software for vendor management reduces risks and improves regulatory compliance by centralizing, collecting, documenting, and communicating all vendor information and performance information, in order to support fast and accurate due diligence and audits.

    Workflow reminders and automatic license expiration alarms, legal modifications, etc, you can remove the rogue expenditure and charge fraud, and formalize a closed system. Integration of your suppliers with joint compliance issues in your system to improve strategic planning.

  • Stronger Supplier Management:

  • Would it not be great to know that every supplier in your supply chain is prepared to meet your price, performance, and compliance expectations or even exceed them? You can create your criteria, from historical delivery results to reputational concerns with a tailor-made cloud-based Vendor Management Program. Providers can be revised, qualified, and transferred much faster to your data environment if everyone has access to all the required information. In addition, your providers can provide you with richer data through the connection of your invoicing system with the supplier managing software of your CRM, making it even easier to achieve optimum procurement performance while taking advantage of early payment discounts and strengthening your reputation as a prompt and professional buyer.

  • Conclusion:

  • One supply chain that will surely snap under pressure is poorly managed. Invest in a reliable and integrated vendor management system and you are ready to build effective strategic partnerships with your vendors, simplify your workflows and cut costs.

What Is the Difference Between a Third Party and a Vendor?

Vendors and third parties play an essential role in any business model, but they aren’t always the same. All vendors are third parties, but not all third parties are vendors.

A vendor is an external entity that supplies goods or services to an organization, often in the supply chain. Examples are:

  • Cloud service provider
  • Accountants and auditors
  • Software developer
  • Payment processor
  • Law firm
  • Consultant
  • Website host
  • Raw materials provider

Third-party relationships encompass all the above entities but also include others with whom your organization does business, such as:

  • Business partners
  • Regulatory agencies
  • Customers
  • Venture capitalists
  • Nonprofits receiving your donations
vendor management